LorcanaJSON French Changelog

2024-12-16 2.0.2

  • Non-breaking format addition: A new optional field promoGrouping has been added to promo cards. It contains which grouping ('P1', 'D23', etc) the card belongs to. This field doesn't exist on non-promo cards
  • New file type: Deck files. These files contain data about all the official decks that have been released for Disney Lorcana, including Starter Decks, decks in the Illumineer's Quest box, and in Gateway. See the deckfiles explanation in the Data files explanation section for more details
  • Fixed name of Obscurosphère (ID 1055), it was missing the 'h'
  • Added basic set info for Set 7 "L'île d'Archazia" and Set 8 "Le Règne de Jafar". The release dates listed are the latest dates possible based on official announcements ('March 2025' for Set 7, 'Q2 2025' for Set 8)
  • Added Vaiana - Aventurière de la terre et de la mer (ID 1433), the first card from Set 7
  • Some cards were updated in the official app over the past months, this is now reflected in the LorcanaJSON data too. The old values are stored in each card's 'historicData' field. The changed cards are:
    • La Fée Clochette - Fée géante (IDs 193 and 216): Updated 'Alter' reminder text to use 'La Fée Clochette' instead of just 'Clochette'
    • Frère Tuck - Prêtre de Nottingham (ID 509): Changed 'adversaire' and 'adversaires' to 'joueur' and 'joueurs'
    • Kit - Copilote (ID 583): Update 'Hors d'atteinte' reminder text to use 'choisir' instead of 'défier'
    • Île d'exil de Maui - Rocher caché (ID 638): Correct 'gagne' to 'gagnet'
    • Belle - Mystique novice (ID 728): Artist name was changed from 'Angelina Ricardo' to 'Angelina "Spikie" Ricardo'
    • Mégara - Cynique captivante (ID 770), Hercule - Demi-dieu intrépid (ID 800), Anna - Bravant la tempête (ID 828): Subtype changed from 'Dreamborn' to 'Storyborn'
    • Hans - Noble crapule (ID 837): Change 'Si vous avez' to 'S'il y a'
    • Bloc de Glace (ID 859): Artist name was changed from 'Gregor Krysinski' to 'Grzegorz Krysińiski'
    • Mickey Mouse - Porte-étendard (ID 879): Artist name was changed from 'Cristian Romero' to 'Mariana Moreno'
    • Ed - Hyène rieuse (ID 1030): Change phrasing of ability (It's still functionally the same)
    • Caprice royal (ID 1117): One of the artist names was changed from 'Giulia Riva' to 'Giulia Priori'
  • Fixed cardmarketUrl in externalLinks of :
    • Chiot dalmatien - Frétille de joie (IDs 436-440), each variant has its own URL now
    • Porcinet - Capitaine pirate de Winnie (ID 452)
    • Isabela Madrigal - Enfant chérie (ID 736)
    • Mulan - Archère d'élite (ID 805)
    • La Grotte d'Ariel - Un endroit secret (ID 860 & 910)
    • Mickey Mouse - Sorcier espiègle (ID 878)
    • Tic et Tac - Rangers-sauveteurs (ID 1213)
    Some of these were fixed based on emailed reports, thanks!
  • Filled in externalLinks for:
    • Stitch - Boucanier alien (ID 1423)
    • Aladdin - Commandant intrépide (ID 1424)
    • Rangers du risque à la rescousse ! (ID 1425)
    • Honey Lemon - Génie de la chimie (ID 1426)
    • Minnie - Vigie pirate (ID 1427)
    • Wasabi - Ingénieur méthodique (ID 1428)
    • Scar - Chasseur sans cœur (ID 1429)
  • Corrected ability type of Pongo - Père persévérant (ID 455) and Piste de Sugar Rush - Ligne de départ (ID 1091) from 'static' to 'activated'. Even though these abilities are not formatted like activated abilities on other cards, they still count as 'activated'

2024-11-15 2.0.1

  • Added all cards from set 6 "La Mer Azurite"
  • Non-breaking format addition: A new dictionary called externalLinks has been added to each card, that contains the IDs that various online card stores use for that card and links to the card on those stores. While adding pricing data directly to LorcanaJSON would currently be too much extra work and upkeep, hopefully with this addition it's easier for interested users to gather and use that pricing data themselves. See the externalLinks explanation for details on which card store IDs and links exist, and where to get pricing data
  • Riri - Neveu astucieux (ID 581) was erroneously listed as having the Storyborn subtype in the app and the LorcanaJSON data previously, it is now correctly listed as having the Dreamborn subtype, just like his brothers
  • Some small card fixes:
    • Correct last name of artist in artistsText and artists of Elsa - Surfeuse des glaces (ID 109) from "Pollet" to "Pollett" (It's written with a single 't' on the card, but the actual name ends in two 't's)
    • Remove clarifications from Château de la Reine - Salle du miroir (ID 503)
    • Remove erroneous enchantedId from promo version of Yen Sid - Puissant Sorcier (ID 946). It still exists in the non-promo version of the card (ID 750)
    • Simplify simpleName of card Où est la vraie vie ? (ID 1153) even more by removing the accent on the 'Où'

2024-08-23 2.0.0

  • Also update cost of Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor (ID 289) with the new changed values from the errata, from 2 to 3 ink

2024-08-22 2.0.0

  • Updated Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor (ID 289) with the new changed values from the errata
  • Removed milliseconds from the generatedOn field of the metadata

2024-08-13 2.0.0

  • Added all cards from set 5 "Shimmering Skies"
  • Added promo cards:
    • Kit - Dur à cuire (ID 684)
    • Jolly Roger - Navire du Capitaine Crochet (ID 685)
    • Le bleu lumière (ID 686)
    • John Silver - Chasseur de trésor avide (ID 687)
    • Stitch - Rock Star (ID 688)
    • Mickey Mouse - Chef de la fanfare (ID 950)
    • Le Repaire d'Ursula - L'œil du cyclone (ID 951)
    • Invocateur d'encre caché (ID 952)
    • Mulan - Ennemie de l'envoutement (ID 953)
    • Ursula - Reine-Sorcière des Mers (ID 954)
    • Prince Jean - Amateur d'or (ID 1180)
    • Kristoff - Garde-rennes (ID 1181)
    • Nala - Lionçonne malicieuse (ID 1182)
    • Qui trouve, garde (ID 1183)
    • Chicha - Maman dévouée (ID 1184)
    • Stitch - Outsider de l'équipe (ID 1185)
    • Mirabel Madrigal - Rassembleuse de la Famille (ID 1186)
  • The ID of Half Hexwell Crown from 1172 to 1179, and it's no longer marked as an external reveal
  • Add missing Strength symbol to Offensif reminder text for Mickey Mouse - Porte-étendard (ID 879)
  • Correct capitalization of flavorText in Cobra Bubbles - Simple éducateur (ID 220)
  • Correct quote mark in ability label of La Bonne Fée - Au cœur pur (ID 258)

2024-07-26 2.0.0

After a careful review of the Comprehensive Rules, it came to light that some terms in the LorcanaJSON dataset were used wrong.
Firstly, the terms 'effects' and 'abilities' refer to different things than was used in this dataset: Characters, Locations, and Items don't have named effects, as the previous LorcanaJSON naming scheme used; they have named abilities that cause effects when resolved. Keyword abilities are just types of abilities. All fields related to this have been changed.
Secondly, 'baseName' and 'subtitle' should be 'name' and 'version', respectively. The 'fullName' field that combines the two IS named properly and is still a combination of these two fields.
This 2.0.0 format release aims to fix these errors through renaming and repurposing fields, which will sadly break existing code that uses these fields.
This isn't a decision taken lightly, but since accuracy is the main goal of this LorcanaJSON project, these changes felt necessary. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
To make the transition easier, this release only contains the format changes and no new card data, so the previous release can be used until you've updated your project to the format changes.
For the old deprecated v1 format fields, click here.
These fields have been modified:
  • Characters, Locations, and Items don't have an effects field anymore, instead they now have an abilities field, containing both keyword abilities and named abilities
  • abilities is now a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary containing at least the type and fullText of the ability, and more fields depending on the type of ability.
  • type can be one of 'keyword', 'activated', 'triggered', or 'static'
  • fullText is the entire text as printed on the card, including newline characters
  • For keyword abilities, this also contains keyword and reminderText, and keywordValue and keywordValueNumber if applicable.
  • For named abilities, this also contains name and effect
  • The abilities field on Action-type cards has been renamed to effects. The contents of this field is still a list of strings containing the effect(s) of playing the Action
  • baseName and subtitle have been renamed to name and version respectively. fullName is unchanged
  • keywordAbilities no longer lists the values of the keywords, so instead of it listing "Shift 5" or "Resist +1", it now lists just "Shift" or "Resist". This should make finding cards with these keywords easier. The value of the keyword can still be found in the keywordValue and keywordValueNumber fields in its abilities entry
  • The reminder text of Song cards is no longer listed as a separate effect, instead it is now listed as a static ability in abilities
These fields have been added:
  • fullTextSections is a new field containing a list with each section (an ability or effect) of a card as a string. This field got added because these section divisions can't easily be gotten from fullText or from the various abilities and/or effects emtries
  • Since quite a few cards have multiple artists, the artist field has been removed and replaced with an artists list field, listing all the artists. The artist text as shown on the card is available in the new artistsText text field
  • With the errata for Bucky - Squirrel Squeak Tutor (ID 289), a new field called historicData has been added, which is a list of dictionaries with previous values a card had before they were officially changed, including until when the old values were active in the usedUntil dictionary field
  • foilTypes is a new field listing the possible types of foiling for a card, including 'null' for no foiling
These fields have been removed:
  • As mentioned above, the artist field has been removed and replaced with the artists and artistsText fields
  • The setNumber field was removed, since it's been superceded by the setCode field and was only left in for backwards compatibility
Smaller changes:
  • The keys of each card and each ability are now sorted alphabetically, which doesn't affect programmatically processing the data, but it should make manual checking easier
All these fields are explained in more detail on the main page

2024-06-26 1.3.1

Initial release